30 March 2007

On vacation ....not quite yet

Once we saw the kids off on their plane to New Orleans we went to check in at our gate and find out the flight was overbooked - -shocking ! They were looking for volunteers to be flexiable and go on the next flight so we did. Now we have almost $800 in Southwest travel vouchers and hopefully we will get on the 12:50 flight. If not there are 3 more out today. We didn't have to be anywhere so why not. :) Florida will still be there.

29 March 2007

May the post be with you....

On May 27th the US Postal Serivce will start selling Star Wars stamps. They have represented all 6 movies and I think the one with Han Solo is wonderful. I am very sad they come out after we send out wedding invitiations because how cool would that have been. Maybe we can use them on thank you notes.

The R2D2 mailboxes are great and somehow it fills me with with pride to know the outragous amount of taxes I give our US Government is used in such an awesome way. :) May the Force by With You.

28 March 2007

Very interesting stats......

Well...hello to any readers I have out there. I hope you find this site somewhat interesting. :)

I have tracking sites on my blog so I can see who is hitting it, how many times, from what website or search engine, what ISP address and when.

If I ever decide to blog more for mainstream readers than for just friends and family it is nice to already have the tracking in place. But, it is very interesting when I get hits from China, Australia, Canada -- and they are reading it !! I know most of the hits are coming from eblogger but it is still cool to know some dude in Greenland is reading my blog.

Vacation soon...yummy !

So, Friday we put the kids on a plane to Mississippi at 9:30AM and we catch a flight to Florida at 10:30 AM. I am looking very forward to being back down in Florida for a few days. We are going to St. Pete (our old stomping grounds) for the weekend and then driving over to Ft. Lauderdale area to stay with one of my closest friends -- shout out to Shirl aka "Little Missy" for a few days. I never laugh more than I am with Shirley -- we always find great adventures.

While visiting Shirl the three of us are going to Key West -- I can't wait ! It is one of the places I always wanted to visit and somehow never made it down too while I lived in Florida. We are onlt there for a quick visit but I am hoping to return for a long stay next spring break. :)

Then we are going to go to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in South Florida -- made famous now because Anna Nicole Smith died there. I don't so much care about that but I would not mind playing a few hands of poker.

We are also going to check out other cool places like -- Morikami for a spin through the gardens. Maybe look at the JFK bunker, and have a stroll and dinner at South Beach.

Whatever we end up doing it will be a nice break from work. I will miss the kids and wish they could come with us with but it is time for them to spend with their Dad. It is also very nice for Mike and I to get some time together without kiddies. :)

26 March 2007

Quotes of the day......

I love quotes. They inspire me, amuse me and say it more eloquently than anything I might say. ;)

Here are a few of my favorites today.....

"Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be."

- Grandma Moses

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”

- Rig Vaga

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”

- Wayne Dyer

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

Marianne Williamson

22 March 2007

Shock and awe

Mike: You know, I would like to help out more.
Jennifer: How ?
Mike: Maybe do the grocery shopping ?
Jennifer: Are you kidding ?
Mike: No, I could go after work to Wegmans, the best grocery store in the whole world, and shop for us.
Jennifer: Are you kidding ?
Mike: No, It will be fun. You could make a list, and even put brands you like and I can shop for them.
Jennifer: Are you kidding ?
Mike: No, I like going to the Wegmans and at night after work there is no crowds.
Jennifer: Am I dreaming ?
Mike: No, this is for real. Make a list of what you need.
Jennifer stands in the kitchen in shock. Makes lists and knows that she is marring a man that can go to the grocery store with a list, come back with it filled with happy, healthy foods. And he even cooks for us !!

Life is good :) Better than good, life is great !!

21 March 2007

Is this a cool t-shirt or what ??

"Lock ness Imposter"

Very cute...see more on their website -- it has other cool t-shirts for kids and parents too !

Spring is here...sort of

Yea ! First day of spring ! I am so ready for warm weather. Today was a balmy 43. Ok...Miss Spring ...you need to do much better than that.

I got all the addresses finished tonight for the wedding so invites will be going out in about two weeks.

So, I found out last week that my project for work got cancelled and was a little bumbed out. :(
But, I got put on a much bigger project along with two of my favorite co-workers. We are going to work on getting all of the photos K12 has purchased for many, many, many past projects and get them ready for the new DAM system. The damn DAM as we lovingly refer to it. What is a DAM you may ask ? A Digital Asset Management system or a very wonderful place to store and retrive photographs. Whee ! :::::::::::much dancin here from the K12 media staff::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

19 March 2007

Iraq war ...4 year later...

My friend Jill sent this to me today and I want to post it for all to read. No matter if you are for the war or against the war I think the author of this op-ed piece gives us all room to think.

Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq ?

When I was working for President Bush as a photo editor I came to hate photo editing his trips to Walter Reed Medical Center. Photo after photo there would be injured soldiers with blank looks on their faces, no idea who President Bush or anyone was for that matter. The President and Mrs. Bush would stand there, smile and solders without arms, legs, eyes would shake his hand. It was one of the saddest damn things I have ever edited. I hated it. Often during this process I would lock the office door and just cry while editing.

In less than two months my son will be 18. He could go and fight for this country if he wanted. But, I caution him in making that decision because sometimes I wonder what we are fighting for. Is it for freedom or peace or are we just in the middle of a civil war ? I have to admit I support the troops but I do not want my child coming home without a leg, arm or not at all.

I explained to Adam that many, many times it is the innocent that die in the war. In Iraq, Civilian deaths are rarely counted but make up a large majority of the causalities of this war. Yes, many people died on 9/11, but does that justify the taking of far more lives in civilian and soilders deaths ? It has been for 4 years since we enter the war on Iraq. So much has changed since then in my life and in the world. But, the question remains the same ....what are we fighting for ? What are we dying for ?

Just questions to ponder....

18 March 2007

Cork'd ... a cool site

Cork'd is a really cool little site. You can......

  • Catalog, rate, and review wines in your Wine Journal.
  • Find out what your buddies are tasting.
  • Discover and keep track of new wines you'd like to buy and try.
I started a small wine journal. Now I just need to type in all the wines we have. :)

Crazy, busy weekend

Ok -- Time for a quick post after a short and busy weekend.....

Katy and Gabe did Odyssey of the Mind all day on Saturday. It is really amazing what there team did. I video taped it and will try to post it soon. We are not sure what the scores are yet and if they are going to state. Last year Gabe's team placed first and went to state.

Late Saturday we took the kids to see the house for the first time. They really liked it and thought the hot tub and pool table were great. Gabe loved the woods. :) The owners, as nice as they are, did drive us a little batty. I will just be glad when we close and can start working on it.

Tomorrow is another work day....but vacation in two weeks !! Florida here we come. :)

16 March 2007

Top 5 of what makes me furious today and what does not

For all those negative people in the world -- I'll start here first:

1.) Sleet and snow in the middle of March
2.) Parents that go on every field trip so no other parents can go
3.) The fact that the project I was going to be working on starting today has been cancelled and now I have to do "boring" stuff
4.) People that I try to have conversations with that just "go off on a tangent" for no real apparent reason.
5.) My stupid AOL is not sending any emails out for some weird reason

And now for the positive:
1.) We got a full commitment letter on our loan so we are all set to close 6 weeks ahead of the date - Whee ! My first "real" house
2.) It is Friday !
3.) A friend and I went shopping at Whole Foods at lunch (and I showed her the outside of the house :)
4.) Spring is just around the corner
5.) My life, even though it can be annoying, is extraordinarily blessed

15 March 2007

Now back to the wedding.....

Ok...I have spent a little time this week doing wedding stuff. We are trying to mail the first group of invitations out on April 5 so we have had to wrap up who we are inviting, addresses, ect. My friend Christina is designing a really, really cool invitation for us. It will be different than any invite you have gotten before but also very modern, elegant and reflects our winery theme. Her business, Paperzest, has done some really amazing things...you can check them out if you like on the web.

I can't believe it is only 3 months away. These last three months have flown by. It will be half way through the year before we know it.

14 March 2007

Not talking about .....

My husband-to-be pointed out last night that I have been talking about "him" to much lately in the blog. "Surly there are more interesting things to write about ...maybe squirrels ?" Of course this person would say that because they LOVE squirrels. I secretly think he likes when I talk about him on the blog. ;)

But...on to more important items....

Katy and Gabe will compete Saturday in Odyssey of the Mind. They have done this every year since kindergarten and have gotten quite good at it. Gabe's team last year went to state. This year they are on the same team and it seems to be the one time when they are around each other that they are not fighting.

Katy is also doing Girls on the Run and will once again run another 5k race in May. Both Gabe and Katy are going to do spring soccer. Both are busy with scouts. Another busy, busy spring.

13 March 2007

Independent ? Yes !

Yes...we can be independent women and be in a relationship too ! That is why I love living as adult in the 21st century. Please read what one of favorite bloggers has to say today.....

Jackie's Awesome Blog

From the library of.....

Quick post...Mike told me after closing on Monday he spent sometime at the Fairfax Library stocking up on books to read. Mike usually reads sports type books, biographies, ect. So..what I suprise this morning when I see one of the books....."Stanley Complete Drywall". I can't wait to see the other titles.

Little does he know that I have been adding to my Amazon lists such titles as "The Complete Color Book", "Home Renovations" and the best selling "
This Old House Essential Home Repair."

I think we are getting ready to own a 38 year old house that needs a little renovating. :)

12 March 2007

So long, farewell...Mike's condo is officially sold

As of today Mike's condo is sold to its new owner. We have some great memories of this condo....and I know Mike will miss the special screen door that his parents and I bought and surprised him with for his birthday 2 years ago.
(I promise I can buy you one for the new place)

So, Mike has officially moved into my place for the next two months. Once we close on our new place he will move in there first and then me and the kids after we get married and the end of school-- sometime at the end of June.

It really seems weird living with another adult again. I am sure it feels even more strange to Mike because besides roommates in college he has never lived "full-time" with another person.

But, I thank him in advanced for putting up with all of us in my small house for two months. It will all be much better when we move to our bigger house -- with tons of closest and storage space. And I even cleaned out the bathroom cabinet for him so he now has a place for a razor and toothbrush. :)

07 March 2007

Happy Birthday Mike !

Happy, happy birthday wishes to Mike !!

Make sure to send him best wishes today and good luck. He is playing in the World Series of Poker Circuit event today in Atlantic City. So, a good birthday wish would be for him to win !

In honor of this wonderful man I am marring in four months I gave him a list a wek or two ago of the reasons why I love him. Too often we forget to tell the people we love what they mean to us and how we would be lost without them.

On his birthday -I want to celebrate all the reasons of why Mike is such an extraordinary man.

Here are the reasons why I love Mike, why he changed my life and why I do consider him my very best friend (don't worry -- it's G rated):

List of 100 Reasons Why I Love You
1. Your loyalty to me and everyone or everything that matters to you
2. That you are my very best friend
3. Your selflessness
4. Your integrity
5. Your strength
6. Your curiosity
7. How you are always 100% honest no matter what
8. Your kindness
9. Your sense of humor
10. How you always stand up for what you believe in
11. Your generosity
12. Your confidence
13. The way that you always look for and find a way to make me peaceful when I am upset
14. Your memory
15. The fact that you know where you are going in life and will do whatever it takes to get there
16. Your courage even in the face of adversity
17. How well you play poker or any game for that matter
18. Your gentleness with me
19. How you are always understanding with me even when I don’t deserve it
20. How much you and I share in common together about everything
21. How you always can make me laugh or smile even at times when I don’t want to
22. Your zaniness
23. The fact that you refuse to ever completely grow up
24. Your love of squirrels and river otters
25. How you are always kind to the cats
26. The fact that you aren’t afraid to cry
27. How you always help me when I need or ask you to and sometimes even when I don’t ask
28. How you are always concerned about me and my well-being
29. The way you hold me
30. The way you liven up a room just by being in it
31. How much you’ve taught me about life and myself
32. Your intelligence
33. The fact that you are good putting things together from Ikea
34. Your zest for life
35. Your electronic and technology savviness
36. Your silliness
37. Your amazing voice
38. Your awesome hair
39. Your craziness
40. Your incredible brown eyes
41. Your strong hands
42. Your love of life
43. Your uncompromising belief in family and country
44. The fact that you would make the best father anyone could ever ask for or hope to have
45. The way you walk
46. The way you talk
47. Your wackiness
48. The fact that there is nobody else in the world like you and nobody will ever come close
49. Your vast knowledge about everything
50. How you are always good at everything
51. The annoying fact that you are right 90+% of the time
52. The amazing new experiences that I’ve shared for the first time with you and only you
53. The way you make me feel about myself
54. How you always tell me and show me everyday how much you love me
55. How you don’t mind holding my hand or showing me affection even in public
56. That you met my crazy family and still loved me
57. The way you kiss
58. The fact that you were willing to take a chance on me
59. The way you always encourage and believe in me
60. Your faithfulness
61. Your true sense of honor
62. The fact that you know how to be a real man
63. The sweet gifts you’ve given to me
64. The heart-touching things you’ve done for my kids
65. The way you’ve opened up your heart and life to me
66. The fact that I learn new amazing things about you everyday
67. The fact that you know so much about so many things
68. The way you write about me on your cool little blog
69. The way you say awesome things about me to other people
70. How much excitement you bring into my life everyday
71. How you always bring out the best in me
72. How talented a photographer you are
73. The way you always inspire me
74. The fact that you love wine as much as I do
75. The fact that you are willing to travel and try new things
76. The way that you take life seriously but also can live for the moment
77. How forgiving you are
78. The fact that you are the first and only person I’ve ever loved that I knew would protect me
79. How you’re not afraid to be a risk-taker
80. The fact you stop smoking and never started back
81. How you always know what to say and how to say it in any situation
82. How you always open doors for me, help me with the groceries, and take the garbage out for me
83. How you always try to be silly just when we need some laughter
84. The fact you really listen to me
85. The amazing way you always seem to be able to read my mind
86. How good a teacher you are with me
87. Your extreme patience with me even when I push it to the limit sometimes
88. That you support my career and ask me about my day – everyday
89. How you like the answers to questions as much as I do
90. How you always comfort me or give me a shoulder to cry on when I need it
91. How I know you’ll always be here for me through good times and bad no matter what
92. The extraordinary amazing things that always happen to us that never happen to anyone else
93. The fact that I know you are my real true soul mate and somehow, someway were destined to be together
94. How awesome you have been to my Katy, Gabe and Adam and even Burke and Wooly and how they all love you too
95. How cute and adorable you can be
96. Your determination and conviction and how once you set your mind on something that nobody can change it
97. The fact that you want a child with me.
98. How much you know about me now and that you’ve seen both my good sides and bad and that you still love me anyway
99. How I know that I am one of the most important things to you
100. Every little single detail about you that makes you who you are and the fact that will be the best husband and father you can possibly be.

Bonus Reason 101. The fact that this list was so easy to write, but also so hard because I had to limit it to just 100 reasons when I can think of at least a million plus reasons why I love you.

06 March 2007

I am sick of this guy

More freaking snow is forecast for this week ....sigh ! I am so ready for spring and warm temps. But, no...old man winter must hang on.

From Capital Weather

"A clipper will move in from the northwest on Tuesday night and bring our region snow on Wednesday. Right now it looks like snow will develop during the late morning or early afternoon hours and continue into the mid-evening. The amount of accumulation is dependent on several factors. These include the impact of the sun angle, intensity of the snow, timing, and surface temperatures. As indicated by the graph below, currently this looks like mostly a nuisance event with areas well northeast of town having the best shot at more than just a couple inches. We will continue to update as the event draws nearer."


On another note.....

Let's hope Mike stays safe and dry....he is driving to Atlantic City Wednesday AM (Also his b'day) to go play in the WSOP Circuit event at Caesars. With the snow coming, he might just leave Tuesday night. I have a good feeling he is going to do quite well this trip. Wish him luck. :) And check out his blog for updates.

05 March 2007

Clear for landing ......

Quick updates:

1.) We are clear to close now on Mike's condo -- which means it is a for sure deal -- March 12th the new owners take over.
2.) The owners of the house we are buying agreed to all of the terms of the what we wanted them to fix after the home inspection.
3.) My realtor says that I should play the lottery because everything I say will happen comes true. :) Let's hope that continues.

02 March 2007

Home inspections = Roller Coaster Ride

Whew ! What a ride the past 24 hours have been -- First, the inspection took 6 hours -- yes, that's right 6 hours. To say it was thorogh would be an understatement. Second, the home inspector thought the house might have some minor to moderate structural damage cause by how the sun porch is attached to the house. But, today we had to have a structural engineer come out and inspect the house. THANK GOD – it is structurally sound. The lean in the upstairs bedroom was cause from mislaid carpet not from the house falling over. So, we now have his written report and everything seems a ok. It has some minor electrical, plumbing, masonry and fireplace items but none of those were major – and we are hoping the sellers will fix most of them because they are saftey concerns. Our realtors are hashing that out today.

We did meet the owners and it is amazing how much we have in common with them. They even wrote a letter to us and the kids along with photos to tell us all about the neighborhood and house. We also found out that all the utilities in the area are buried so they very rarely lose power. Which with all the crazy weather sometimes is a very good thing.

We also saw two deer in the woods so that was kind of neat.

So..the nuttiness continues......