15 January 2008

Let it snow...please let it snow......

Maybe it is because I am a southern girl but I am fascinated by snow. (And weather in general) Right now we are getting a very tiny snow squal moving through. And just like magic the sun is out again and all the snow stops. A very tiny dusting here in NOVA. Let's hope we do better than this soon. There is really something magically about watching the snow fall and everything turning white. I love when we get a lot of snow and no one is out, not even a car on the road -- the stillness and the snow is so peaceful.

Capital Weather is great about letting us know when it might snow -- so far we have not gotten much this year. I am ready for one big one then onto spring. :)

02 January 2008

New blog features

I have been a tad under the weather today but while resting I added a few new features to the blog. You can subscribe now to it and it will email you when there is an update. Or you can have it go to your RSS feed.

I also added lots new links including a feature on wines (in the links). Lots of great wines to try, places to see, ect.

I am also starting a new blog i will send out the link for soon on my weight loss journey. I think if I can blog about it --says what works for me, what doesn't work it might help me and other people along the way.

Hope everyone had a great start to the New Year !