18 April 2007

Saturday's in Annandale means soccer time

Soccer madness -- For the next 6 Saturdays (and a couple of Sundays) Mike and I are dividing time between Katy's and Gabe's soccer games. This is Katy's third season to play and she is getting much better. Mike has been work some with her and even has noticed a difference in her play. Gabriel, who always did baseball decided to switch over to soccer this spring. His coach, Coach Randi, is a kick-ass coach that also plays. Her son is on the team but she still gives lots of support to everyone. She says that for it being his first year he is doing great and plays like he has been doing it for several years.

Here are a few pictures from their first games:

Gabe along with his best friend Eric (on left beside him) and other players eat oranges and listen to Coach Randi during the half. They won the game 5-2.

Katy and her teammates look to see what their positions on the field are during a break while Coach Mark give a pep talk. They also won their game 2-1.

Katy and Gabe before the game. Gabe has the serious game face on while Katy smiles (as usual)

Mike and Katy soccer mascot "Tiger" watch Gabe game. Notice how bundled up Mike is. It was very brrrrrrr this past Saturday.

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