01 May 2007

In the wee small hours of the morning....

For some strange reason I woke up at 3 am this morning and I have not been able to get back to sleep. Which for me is weird because I can usually sleep anywhere, anytime. Part of it is my mind can not shut off with all the things I have to do with work, two homes, kids schedules, wedding, Adam's graduation, his college, a freelance project... and wait... myself. Just a tad busy right now. :)

So, I have spent the last 2 hours posting items to Craigslist we want to sell. Craigslist is an online classified that is very popular in the area. I LOVE Craigslist and have bought and sold many, many items this way.

Here is one of my latest ads.

Ok...going to try and get an hour of shut eye before the alarm goes off in an hour.

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