17 May 2007

What we doing in our spare time

Since Mike is living at the new house and I am still in Annandale, he is getting the fun task of taking down most of the wallpaper in the living room. It is a slow and tedius process but he is making good progress. I hope by Memorial Day Weekend we will have it close to being painted because I want to move my dining room furniture in before the graduation party.

On more renovation notes - I went out to Herclules Iron Works in Chantilly and worked with the most wonderful older man named Nick on a design for our stair rail upstairs that has to be replaced. He was great and the rail is going to look so nice and be much sturdy. The one we have not does not meet Fairfax code (it is 30 inches tall instead of 36) and someone could flip over it.

We have a handyman coming out next Thursday to install it and do general painting in the stairway...then new carpet upstairs after that.

I should hear back today an estimate on countertops and a few other kitchen things we want to do.

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