27 August 2007

So hilarious and somewhat true....

I came across this today on a few blogs:

Ten Good Reasons You May not Want to Have Kids and 20 Reasons Not to Have Children, 10 Reasons to Have Children

Or my life the way it really is might be what some parents want to title it. It is hilarious !

My favorite "You will be a bad parent if you don't listen to them. You are obligated to listen to all kinds of nonsensical irrelevant crap, all kinds of worthless interests and recaps of the Hannah Montana marathon they had on TV last weekend. You are obligated to tell them about life, sex, how to spend money, hygiene, calculus etc. "

Of course, I don't think they put in that you are exhausted pretty much 24/7. And if you are a single parent, there are not enough close to enough hours in the day to get it all done.

With that being said they are also wonderfully rewarding, give you boundless love and if you are lucky they will bless you a thousand times over. Now, that does not necessarily mean that I want another one. The three I have keep me quite busy enough. Plus, I get to be a new aunt soon and lots of friends my age are now having babies so plenty of babies to play with -- then return back to the parents. :)

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