02 March 2007

Home inspections = Roller Coaster Ride

Whew ! What a ride the past 24 hours have been -- First, the inspection took 6 hours -- yes, that's right 6 hours. To say it was thorogh would be an understatement. Second, the home inspector thought the house might have some minor to moderate structural damage cause by how the sun porch is attached to the house. But, today we had to have a structural engineer come out and inspect the house. THANK GOD – it is structurally sound. The lean in the upstairs bedroom was cause from mislaid carpet not from the house falling over. So, we now have his written report and everything seems a ok. It has some minor electrical, plumbing, masonry and fireplace items but none of those were major – and we are hoping the sellers will fix most of them because they are saftey concerns. Our realtors are hashing that out today.

We did meet the owners and it is amazing how much we have in common with them. They even wrote a letter to us and the kids along with photos to tell us all about the neighborhood and house. We also found out that all the utilities in the area are buried so they very rarely lose power. Which with all the crazy weather sometimes is a very good thing.

We also saw two deer in the woods so that was kind of neat.

So..the nuttiness continues......

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